FAQ and Support



How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. With your subscription provider Apple, Paypal or Google you can cancel directly. In case of Stripe (Credit card via web) contact us.

How can I Subscribe?

You can subscribe through the Services section, when you get the prompt/popup or via the email we send you when you publish your app.

What can I do if I subscribed my app but I did not receive my subscription email?

Check if your email address is correct (without typos) and that your App is published. You will also receive push notifications. Contact us if nothing is received within 15 minutes

What is a Native Preview App?

This is a preview to experience how your app would feel and work when converted to native. It will be send to you when you subscribe your app.

Where can I get support?

You can contact us by emailing support@igenapps.com. We recommend checking the FAQ or chat first

Why do I need a subscription?

By subscribing, you will keep your app published and gain additional benefits.

Why do I need to subscribe?

With a subscription you will unlock all features and keep your app published for others to view.

Why is my App's URL not working?

Check if your app is published or subscribed. Make sure you follow the steps outlined in the Add to home screen.

App Publishing

Can I make money with my app?

Yes. There are multiple options. You can get your app in the Apple or Play store and set a price. See more options in the FAQ article

How can I see my App's analytics?

If you are subscribed, it will be an option when opening your App from the Dashboard

How do I publish or preview my App?

You can publish your App by using the Publish / Update option at the bottom of the menu screen. You can also touch on your App, in the App List, and then Publish / Update / Test option.

App Store Submission

How can I put my app in an App Store?

You can request an Apple App Store or Google Play Store submission through the Services option in our app or request an invoice to support@igenapps.com.

in App Purchases

Will my subscription still works on other devices?

Yes, it does. App subscriptions are connected to your account. Once you sign in with any device, it will detect what apps you have subscribed.

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